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NCC TRANSITION - Getting Started

The operator shall be compliant with the applicable requirements latest on 25.August 2016 or when submitting the signed declaration to his respective National Aviation Authority.  Within 12 month of receiving the NCC declaration, the NAA will integrate the declaring NCC operator into the mandatory NCC oversight programme which is in accordance with EASA Part-ARO regulations. Within 48 months of having received the NCC declaration, the NAA will conduct an inspection of the declaring NCC operator. The inspection will either be accomplished as an announced or unannounced visit. 


NCC Transition - how can we practically help you:

Together, we will  structure the appropriate system for your operation and train your team to ensure compliance with Part-NCC:

Depending on the size and complexity of your operation, various functions may be combined and performed by one person.

Key components of the EASA compliance program which we can turn-key develop, integrate and execute with you.  We can also develop and implement individually any of  A-E below, but all five components must be integrated under EASA regulations either directly by your team or as part of our engagement with you.